Jumat, 19 Agustus 2016

What is Nirmana ? Apa itu Nirmana?

Nirmana was organizing or arrangement of visual elements of art such as point, line, colortexture, space and field into one harmonious unity. Nirmana can also be interpreted as the results of the anganangan in the form of dwimatra/nirmana flat (two-dimensional) and trimatra/nirmana space (three-dimensional) which must have the value of beauty.

The Basic Concept Of Nirmana
Nirmana (basic fine) is the study of things related to perception, space, shape, color, and material takes the form of a two dimensional or three dimensional.
The main way that creation element is an image, through drawing man can pour her creative imagination or idea. The image is a "language" that is universal. The image has become a communication tool for centuries, even up to now in the modern era. The image has a very diverse functions, to realize an image to function required elements of art that is comprehensible to everyone.

Nirmana Elements
There are several elements that formed the basis of the formation of the art form, i.e.: points, lines, line, shape, color, and texture.

The dot is the two dimensional art elements of the most basic (essential), from a dot could be developed into a line or area. a picture in the area of the image will bestarting from a point and stopped at a point too. 

The line was a result of scratches and limit an object, space, color and time series. The lines can be long, short, thick, thin, straight, curvedwavy, vertical, horizontal, diagonaland so on. 

The field is a form of flat without the thickness, has dimensions of pajang, wide and spacious and have the position, direction and bordered by a line. Form fields can begeometric, organic, angles, irregular, and rounded. 

Points, lines, or areas will be visible in the form. A point no matter how small, you definitely have the look, size, color, and texture. There are two kinds of forms, namely:

A two-dimensional shape that has the dimensions of length and width
Three dimensional form that has the dimensions of length, widthand thickness/volumeNirmana Form

The color impression is caused by the light toward the eyes, hence the color will not be formed if there is no light. Each color is produced from the reaction of white light on a surface and the surface reflects a portion of the spectrum. The occurrence of those colors caused by vibrikasi white light. The simplest system is to know the relation warnawarna is on the order of colors in the color circle shape. Color circle

In general the color can be classified into three main groups, namely:

Primary color or the color of the subject matter is said to be so because these colorscan not be obtained by way of mixing them primary colors: red, blueand yellow
Secondary color: the color of a balanced mix of results between primary colors with primary colors.
the color purple (violet), a mixture of red and blue,
the color orange a mixture of red and yellow, and
green color blends colors of yellow and blue.
Tertiary color: is the result of a mixture of secondary color with primary colors.
the color red purple red color with purple mix
purple blue purple mix with blue
the color green blue green color blends with the blue
the colors green yellow yellow color with green mix
the color orange yellow orange colors blend with yolk
red orange mix red with orange
Some note color schemes and three of them are the most principal is:

Color color relationships is analogus adjacent circles of color, such as yellow, green yellow and orange yellow.
Monochromatic color is the use of only one color relationships in the order value and intensity combined with neutral colors (black or white). The impression gained from monochromatic color this is a calm monotone.
Complementary colors are colors that relationships face each other in a circle so that the color so that the color is called also the color contrast. Some complementary colors:
Red color complement with green color
Complement the yellow color with purple (violet)
Blue color complement to the color orange

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